Shetland Sheep: Rich in History, Rich in Textiles

Shetland Sheep: Rich in History, Rich in Textiles! Our farm mission is to enjoy and promote the wonderful diversity of the Shetland breed by fully utilizing to the best of our ability all they have to offer historically. We believe the best preservation and management of this breed includes it's full spectrum of history. We encourage old and new shepherds alike to join in the fun by engaging in fiber arts, especially spinning and knitting, as this breed is so intimately linked with those aspects of the arts.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Why Wheely Wooly?

I'm not the only one who likes wool around here! This is our little house kitty, Sophie. If any wool is out, she makes a cozy nest to sleep in. I can't blame her, the wool is so cushy and soft and warm!

It is the wool that gave us the idea of our farm. I hadn't realized how cold I always was during the wintery months. After making my first pair of wool mittens and wool scarf (I NEVER wore scarves before), I cannot tolerate the cold without them! If I'm wearing wool, driving around is no problem. Outside farm chores get done more efficiently and with greater pleasure when you're not subconsciously cold. I now see visitors to our farm freeze in the winter and they cannot understand how I can tolerate the cold. They are so cold in non-wool garments, just like I used to be! Now that I know what WARM feels like, you won't catch me outside without wool on! I've also come to rely on wool garments in the house, too. I understand now that being cold can affect your mood, appetite, and productivity. Being cold all the time is tiring and taxing.

The wheely part of our name comes from spinning. I always have wool on my spinning wheel. Spinning is a very satisfying activity that can be started or put down at a moment's notice, without need to count stitches or remember where you are. It is relaxing, allowing me to think about things and process all the busyness of my day. Sometimes I have to stop spinning, and cannot make it back to my wheel for a day or two, or longer! But that is won't spoil. I spin at all times of the day. Mornings are peaceful and a time to slowly wake up near a bright window. Evenings are relaxing, giving me time to unwind. During the day, I'll spin while doing other things around the house like laundry or cooking or waiting for a call. If it rains, or a snowstorm blows in, or it's hot...yippie! I'm spinning!

So the name Wheely Wooly Farm comes from spinning and wool and to give our guests a memory of it all as visitors are part of what we do. We volunteer for groups in our area by inviting them out to our "Fiber Fun Day on the Farm". We teach them about our Shetland sheep and angora rabbits, do spinning demos, and show all the yarn and things I've personally made for my family out of that yarn. These days generate a lot of new friends and great fun, plus lots of laughter. The farm brings people together.

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