Cozy stuff!
It's quite a trip back in time when you think about the Northern European Short Tailed sheep (NESHS). My favorite breed, Shetlands, are just one member of that family. Another popular NESHS is the Icelandic. They, too, are amazing sheep! Equally amazing is what the Icelandic people accomplished with them.
There are many different breeds of sheep that can keep you warm, but few have the track record for human clothing quite like the NESHS have. Most people have no idea. Never thought about it. Wouldn't even know to think about it. Amazing.
One thousand, one hundred winters. Documented. Known. Amazing. Sheep endure through the ages. From richest to poorest, sheep endure. What a story!
Back to the current moment. We have a few scarf balls left! Email us if you'd like to know what colors are available, as that's always changing. Time is running out to give the gift of 1,100 winters! Don't delay! Order your yarn today.