Shetland Sheep: Rich in History, Rich in Textiles

Shetland Sheep: Rich in History, Rich in Textiles! Our farm mission is to enjoy and promote the wonderful diversity of the Shetland breed by fully utilizing to the best of our ability all they have to offer historically. We believe the best preservation and management of this breed includes it's full spectrum of history. We encourage old and new shepherds alike to join in the fun by engaging in fiber arts, especially spinning and knitting, as this breed is so intimately linked with those aspects of the arts.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

My Travelin' Wheel

We're back!  It was a wonderful 4th of July holiday....still is for some of you...and we've been very busy!  Today was market day, and despite all the busyness of the week, I decided spontaneously to bring my wheel to market, and what fun that was!

Spinnin' on the street
DH took this shot early, before the market was open.

I set up my little rooster rug to protect the feet of my wheel, and immediately noticed the pitch in the concrete was just right for comfortable spinning, although my wheel needed some minor adjusting to get it just right.  It did wobble a wee bit, but my flyer was flying most of the morning.  If the amount of oil I went through was any indication, I was a near race car on treadles this morning! 

How fun it was to demo for passersby!  Children love to stop and watch, while many ask questions as long as their parents will allow.  People of all ages stop to watch.  Some have never seen a working wheel before.  Others asked if I got it from an antique store.  I love hearing about people's memories of wheels in their past, and of family members they recall.  The interaction of the crowd always makes for a nice time, and I enjoy answering the questions.  Thanks, too, for all the compliments!

Because we had the wheel along, we had a good day in sales.  People seem drawn to local things, and to things of quality.  In fact, one passerby commented 'if only you could spin gold, right?'.  Spinning is like making gold, in that the warmth sheep's wool provides in the winter is irreplacable.  Why be cold when you can be warm?  And being warm means being healthier.  Sheep's wool mittens provide just that quality that can't be found practically anywhere else.  Sheep are great!...and VERY green!  Even on a hot summer day, I am working ahead to make next winter easier. 

Next week, we won't be at the market, so if you saw something you liked, you might find it in our Etsy shop, or just email us and we can get it in the shop.  Remember, you can order off etsy anytime, use your credit card and we'll send your yarn right to your home!  Couldn't be easier!  Early next week, I'm going to get some rams up for sale.  Wheely Wooly Peat is one of them so you won't want to miss out if you are looking for a good Shetland breeding ram!  Somebody's gonna sure be lucky to get him!  Stay up next!

Happy rest of the 4th of July weekend, everyone!

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